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Seven said, "Hello, ladies. Ann, you have a question for me?" Yes. There is a girl at my school who has a skin condition which makes her face half black and half white. I wondered if you knew of any way to fix her problem? She is constantly taunted for something she can't do anything about." Is her name Shirley Tarkis?" Yes, how did you know?" She was another of the candidates we looked at when we chose Jase. I didn't realize that her skin color was a problem, though I did notice that it was different from the people around her. If the skin color problem is caused by an illness, the treatment you got will fix it. I suggest that you invite her to visit here to see if she would be compatible with the rest of you. If she is, we could try to recruit her for the team. What do you think?"Ann was thrilled. "I like her and would like for her to join us. Does anybody mind if I invite her to visit us tomorrow after school? I'll check with Jo and Jeff later." Nobody objected, so Ann smiled and. 30, he had to leave but not before they fucked again, she sucked him to get him nice and hard then he opened her legs wide and stuck in her. Jessica told me she was worried because she had not cleaned her pussy out from the night before but she was so horny she couldn’t stop herself. Well they fucked, he came inside her again, and then he left . She then called me.I followed her to the bedroom, it was a mess, clothes all over the place and it smells damp but it was ok, I was going to do what we talked about for months. She got on the bed and removed her t-shirt leaving a pair of cotton panties on. “Come on “ she said laying there with her big saggy tits and wet panties “Come and get it baby”.My hand went straight for her pussy, it was wet very wet. I need to put my head between her legs, so I did, her panties smell like cum and taste like it. After sucking on them for a while I removed them to reveal a cum soaked pussy, my tongue went deep inside tasting 2 lots of cum. Her pussy.
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